FMath Chrome Extension - Test Suites - 3.5.3 MathML - Labeled Row in Table or Matrix mlabeledtr

An mlabeledtr element represents one row in a table that has a label on either the left or right side, as determined by the side attribute. The label is the first child of mlabeledtr, and should be enclosed in an mtd. The rest of the children represent the contents of the row and are treated identically to the children of mtr; consequently all of the children must be mtd elements. MathML Fundamentals

Table Matrix - mlabeledtr (2.1) E = m c 2 + 1 2 first label rowalign="bottom" (2.2) E = m c 2


<math mathsize="45">
    <mspace linebreak="newline" indentalign="center"></mspace>
    <mtext style="border:1px;" mathsize="40">Table Matrix - mlabeledtr</mtext>
    <mspace linebreak="newline" indentalign="center"></mspace>
    <mrow style="border:1px;">
            <mlabeledtr rowalign="bottom">
                <mtd style="border:1px">
                <mtd style="border:1px">
                <mtd style="border:1px">
                    <mtext>first label rowalign="bottom"</mtext>
                <mtd style="border:1px">
                <mtd style="border:1px">